Monday, December 4, 2006

Lucky Leon & Resurrection - What A Pair


Okay... so I would just like to say DEPRESSING MUCH.

It all starts out just fine. Lucky Leon is a very cute episode with a few blushes and a few giggles and donuts and Mayson doing her usual "I wanna jump Clark" routine while Lois rolls her eyes and tries to conceal her claws. L&C go out on a date, a real date, and they have their first meaningful kiss.

Annnd then Mayson blows up.


This was so unexpected, and such a shock to me as a kid, that I spent an hour crying after the episode ended. I'd adored Mayson. I had written pseudo-fanfics about Mayson and Clark getting married and having a family. Crap, I didn't know Lois and Clark would ever get together! I didn't know that's how these shows worked! The show had always been such a tease. Clark crossing his fingers at the end of HoL and all of that. How was I supposed to know? Sniff.

Then there's Resurrection, which... I don't know. I don't mind watching it at all, but it's really depressing. You've got Clark mourning Mayson like a sad wittle puppy dog, Dan Scardino making Clark crazy jealous and even MORE sad, Lois thinking Dan is cute and sexy and STAB STAB STAB way to throw Clark under a semi, Lolo. Plus the episode begins with rain, and I don't know if you've ever noticed this, but it did not rain very often on Lois & Clark. Rain = depressing.

But seriously, why is Resurrection so much more depressing to me than, say, Barbarians at the Planet... in which Clark pours out his heart, Lois rejects him, Lex gets all tyrannical, the Daily Planet BLOWS UP, Perry retires, Jack is sent to jail, and Lois accepts Lex's proposal? Those things are ALL worse than any of the events in Resurrection but dammit if I don't think BATP is just spiffy and Resurrection makes me want to throw a shoe.

Maybe it's Stanley Gables. Maybe his gross virusy shoulder does the ruining. Yes, I will blame Stanley THIS time.

And I realized for the first time, while watching Resurrection, that the music they use during the "round up all the bad guys" scene at the end is the music that they used during the "last season on Lois & Clark" bit before Madame Ex. Random.

(Okay I had to go into iTunes and start playing the L&C soundtrack. Ah this is... wait, Lord Nor music? Nooo. NEXT? Okay, the Main Title... that's better.)

Some other notes about these episodes:

*Carl in Travel is mentioned. Like Pete in Sports, he gets mentioned twice and then he's dead or fired.

*Jimmy has a car. I think he had one like this first season, though maybe not the same one. (Besides, season 1 Jimmy and season 2 Jimmy aren't the same Jimmy... so why should they have the same car?) I'd have to go look at both eps side by side. What happened to his motorcycle? Does he own two vehicles? No wonder the boy is broke. Ah the mysteriousness of Mr. Olsen the younger.

*In Lucky Leon, Lois acts like she has no idea how Superman was tricked into helping the terrorists. But she was a part of that whole thing! I mean she was there, she called Clark, she was tricked too. But she never owns up to it. Was she just playing dumb so she wouldn't be implicated? Is that why she does that little smile after she says "wouldn't we all" after Perry says he'd give his Elvis spoons to know how Superman was duped? LOIS! I am shocked.

*Lucky Leon gets to join Constance and Rolfe on My List Of Annoying Characters. STOP ASKING PEOPLE IF THEY WANT FRUIT, YOU PSYCHO!

*Lois's reaction to Mayson's death (which I never really noticed before... maybe because the picture quality is so much better on DVD.) It's so sad! I just want to hug her. Hand to face, then she almost reaches out to touch Clark but then she doesn't because who ever knows what's appropriate in a moment like that, and that is just some fab acting on Ter's part, I must give props.

5 more episodes left of season 2, and a few of my favorites are in there. Yayyy.

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