Saturday, October 7, 2006

Who do you love?

It's been a week since I posted, and I've watched half a dozen episodes since then, so I'll try to get caught up with my thoughts.

That Old Gang of Mine--

Man, Clark does a lot of eyerolling!

Just thought I'd mention that. ;)

SO... naturally this is an essential episode because Lois actually admits that she feels something "more" for Clark. First she mumbles something about this to Perry... then she tries to express how she's feeling to Clark, who falls asleep. Doy.

I don't know which is more heart-wrenching... Lois's sadness over Clark's "death" or Clark's sadness at his inability to be there for her, as Clark, this time. She takes it very hard, which she would probably do even if she didn't love him, because heck they'd been partners for over a year. Still. Sometimes I wonder if that's why she didn't even call for help when she and the professor were being buried in the cement. Was she thinking Well, Clark's dead, life sucks now, screw this? Maybe, maybe not. There are other episodes where she's in life-or-death situations and doesn't call for help, so it could just be another one of those moments.

Hug, big hug. Lots of touching. I love how she changes into his jacket before they go to the DP at the end. Makes me giggle.

A Bolt From The Blue--

So Lois is mad because she learns Superman has lied to her (well, he basically omits the truth, but it pisses her off anyway) and she tells him off for it. It's one of the first times she's ever been angry with him (hurt, yes... disappointed, yes... but not actually angry) and it mirrors Lois's anger toward Clark in the season 1 episode The Foundling... basically the same issue... he lies to her, and she knows it, and she's hurt because she wouldn't expect that of him, him being a Kansas farmboy and all. Now she's shocked that Superman has lied. Oh no!

Even though she still doesn't know CK=S this episode reminds me of some fourth season episodes where the two of them experience relationship/personal tension (think: Stop The Presses), only by then their relationship is so much *more* than it is now... but it's basically the same issue. Gasp, she's actually angry at Superman, here! Wow, turning point -- she no longer thinks he's perfect! And believe it or not, that's a good thing!

At the beginning of season 2, Clark came to Lois's apartment several times -- as Superman -- I guess in an attempt to spend some more time with her. By this season she was fully willing to spend time with Clark, but it was like he couldn't get enough and had to visit as Superman as well (see: the end of Wall of Sound or Church of Metropolis, or him giving her advice in the Source -- the same advice he'd basically already given as Clark). But perhaps this only further encouraged Lois's infatuation with Superman. In BATP Superman said he couldn't be with Lois, and now he's totally sending her a different message. Perhaps she was beginning to think he'd change his mind. She did sort of carry the torch for Superman until the end of season 2, even though you could see it lessening as she grew closer to Clark.

Anyway, I think the events in A Bolt From The Blue were essential because they showed Lois that Superman wasn't perfect. I think she needed that. I mean, if you look back to season one, where Superman was on this high pedestal and she didn't even want to work with Clark, there was a huge difference in the way she felt about the two different sides of him. Now, with each episode, that gap is getting smaller. Clark is becoming better and better in her eyes... Superman is becoming -- well, not WORSE by any means, but she's not falling all over him necessarily. By the time that gap gets to its smallest -- that's just about when she realizes they're the same person. Pretty cool the way they did that.

Season's Greedings--

First off, if you haven't watched this episode with the commentary, you need to. It's hilarious.

I guess all I can say about this one is THE FINAL SCENE. I love how Clark visits her. You know she's sort of hoping Superman will drop by, but when Clark does instead and she's so happy you KNOW things really have started to change in her heart. Say it with me now.... awww. And handholding, how can you not love that?


Noteworthy for the final scene, when Superman makes a pitch for Clark, and actually discourages Lois from being all cozy with him. He tells her she and Clark are lucky to have each other. After he leaves, Lois decided to call Clark... who ISN'T HOME. Mr. Lunkhead didn't coordinate that one as well as he should have. Oh well, we know she cares, that's what's important.

Also, Lucy gets angry and remarks that Lois doesn't have a guy who cares about her. Yes she does, Lucy, yes she does! She may not know how much, yet... but yes, someone definitely cares. Well, all in due time.

Chi of Steel--
I just love watching this one for their chemistry. The little looks here and there. Clark's total amusement with Lois's tenacity. More eyerolls.

The Eyes Have It--

Lois is jealous because of Mayson. Again. Clark would rather be with Lois but is too nice to tell Mayson to get lost... and it won't be the last time this happens. Awkwardness ensues.

REALLY sweet/semi-sad scene between Clark and his mom.

I'm getting to that point where I want Lois to know Clark's secret. He NEEDS somebody besides his parents.

The Phoenix--

Clark asks Lois out. You have to sort of wonder if maybe Lois was hoping for this, deep down, because it's not like she goes "CLARK, I told you I don't have feelings for you, remember? OMG, I'm filing a sexual harrassment suit against you RIGHT THIS SECOND!" No, she actually gets all babbly and adorable. Of course, Lois's ex WOULD pick now to come back from the dead and start stalking her. Nice timing, Lex.

I've never been sure if Lex knows, in this episode, that something is going on between Lois and Clark -- he does watch them in the DP lobby, but L&C just talk and laugh, they don't make out or anything. In the season 1 episode Pheromone, My Lovely, when Lois told Lex that there was only one man for her -- Clark -- Lex gave her this look like "And what drugs are WE on today?" By season 3, obviously, Lex knew about their relationship. But I wonder if he had any clue in The Phoenix, or if he still considered Superman his biggest threat/competition for Lois's affections. If he had known that Lois had an interest in Clark, maybe he would have tried to kill Clark or something. Who knows. There's a fanfic for ya. "Dammit, I've shot you 20 times, why won't you die?"

I LOVE that Nigel doublecrosses Lex, mainly because if you pay attention in season 1, there are several instances when Nigel says things or gives Lex these *looks* that totally suggest Nigel thinks Lex is crazy. Which he was. Is. Well, whatever.

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