Sunday, June 22, 2008

Those Darn 5th Season Dreams...

I had the dream again the other night. The one where I find out there's going to be a fifth season of Lois & Clark, and it's airing rightthissecond, but something's wrong with my VCR/TV! Oh no!

Wow. Weird. I used to have this dream a lot back in the late 90's. I desperately wanted L&C to return. For several years after it was canceled, I held onto hope that it would. Maybe not in series form, but at least as a TV-movie. And yes, when the show was on the air, I was extremely obsessive about taping it, making sure nobody went near the VCR, etc. So the dream made sense. But it was so silly to stress about it! I had so many FOLC Friends who would've gladly sent me a copy of the episode, had the miracle of a season 5 actually occurred. Still, the dream was annoying and I had it often. And I'd wake up feeling sad that L&C hadn't really come back.

It's been ages since I had it, and I have no idea why I had it the other night. I haven't watched the show in a few weeks. Hello, random. Although, I had to laugh because this time around, the dream had something new: Me desperate searching iTunes, hoping to find the episode available on there. It wasn't. So much for technological advances being problem-solvers!

P.S. Someone should really put L&C eps on iTunes.

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