Saturday, January 12, 2008


Wow. So it's been almost eight months since I posted here. That? is pathetic. The truth is, I've been busy. And I've had what you might call a "DVD player situation." A few months ago, I moved my DVD player into the family room so the whole family could enjoy DVDs together. I figured that since I have both a desktop and a laptop computer up here -- each equipped with a DVD player -- I'd be fine. Yeah, sure. Except I like to watch DVDs in bed, and that's nigh impossible with the desktop. And the laptop is 5 years old, which in computer years = Old man with cane and/or electric scooter, and it takes 15 minutes to boot up. Then, even when you get it going, it shuts off for no apparent reason. Or it overheats. Oh yeah, and the battery's been dead for 3 years and the cord has a short in it. Fun times all around!

The thing is, though, this "DVD situation" shouldn't matter as far as L&C viewing is concerned, because I do have all the eps on tape. I did, after all, spend a good portion of the 90's buying VHSes with my allowance and hitting the "record" button a lot. 87 episodes preserved on plastic rectangular prisms o' fun, labeled with magic markers along the lines of "Lois & Clark Tape A" (House of Luthor through Church of Metropolis), "Lois & Clark Tape B", etc., all the way up through "Lois & Clark Tape O" (the final episodes, taped in SP mode by that point.) Not to mention all the tapes I got of first-season episodes, dubbed from tapes around the world. Really, I'm set.

So maybe I should blame Netflix. Every week they send me movies and shows that keep me busy. I've now seen every episode of Quantum Leap. I've been reminiscing with The Cosby Show and Full House. I've been introduced to Extras and Robin Hood. A new disc comes, I watch it, I send it back, rinse, repeat. My L&C tapes/DVDs will always be there, why rush to watch them?

Two weeks ago, I got together with two friends. We actually met 10 years ago thanks to L&C. So it seemed appropriate that we'd watch L&C while hanging out. We watched Season's Greedings, Honeymoon In Metropolis, and about half of All Shook Up before we had to call it a night. And it's nice to know that no matter how much time passes between L&C episode watching, my love for it doesn't decrease at all. I can still quote, laugh, make observations, and -- later, while lying in bed trying to fall asleep, I can think about Dean Cain.

Er... I mean THE SHOW. I meant to say "think about the show." Didn't I say "think about the show"?

Well, and Dean Cain.

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