Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Way more than partners...

Ever notice how different Jimmy was in season 2 than in season 1? I don't mean the way he looked. I mean duh, different actor. But it's like when Justin Whalin came on board as Jimmy in season 2, the writers decided to change him up a bit. He was still a photographer and copy boy, but he now was a grunge kid and rode a motorcycle. Oh yeah, and he was kind of a moron. Lois and Clark understood complex things, but Jimmy had to have everything spelled out like a little kid. This point was really driven home in The Prankster, until the end when he deduced that Mr. Griffin was in on Kyle's plan, at which point he was all "me so smart" and it was kind of adorable, but at the same time you're like "didn't he used to be smarter? Like, last year?" Sure, he also had black hair and wore vests last year, what are you gonna do?

For the record, The Prankster is easily one of my favorite episodes. Top 20 at least. LOVE Clark's eyerolls and discomfort when Lois is getting the "secret admirer" attention (before they realize it's sort of sinister) because for all Clark knows, maybe this is a legitimate admirer who's going to end up sweeping Lois off her feet. The boy does not want competition. At the same time, he's really got nothing to worry about because she's beginning to like him as more than a friend, even if she doesn't realize it herself quite yet (just give her a couple of episodes!) And his teasing with the Randall Loomis thing is so funny.

That's actually something I love... the evolution of her feelings for Clark in season 2. In episode 4, it's HIS place she goes to when she's feeling threatened (even though Perry and Alice have offered her a place to stay). In episode 5, she's raging jealous over Mayson's attention toward Clark. In episode 7, she actually admits to him that she's wondering if there's possibly "more" to their relationship, and by 9 they're holding hands. Awwwww. I love it. Love season 2 with a passion. It's just too friggin adorable.

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