Tuesday, September 19, 2006

The first time Lois & Clark aired, on September 12, 1993, I did not want to watch it. By the time the snake showed up to face off with Lex, I'd had enough. But something kept bringing me back, and by the end of the first season, I was completely hooked.

One week ago, L&C turned 13 years old. As I just turned 26, this means the show has now been a part of my life for exactly 50% of it. Half a lifetime, in fact. I've never grown weary of it. It's hard to believe that something I enjoyed when I was 13 still fascinates me today.

This will be my journal for posting L&C-related thoughts when I have them. I may choose to explicate an episode, to post my favorite quotes or screencaps, to promote awesome L&C artwork/music videos/fanfic, or to just babble. I may go more in-depth than the average fan would like, so only follow me if you think you'll want to read deep thoughts about a TV show that ended nine years ago. If you think this is for you, then welcome!:)

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