Friday, July 10, 2009

...And Other Random Things That Make Me Happy


And "Lois & Clark" was a correct response on Jeopardy tonight! In the past 2 years I've seen a Teri Hatcher clue, and a Dean Cain clue that mentioned L&C, but not one where L&C itself was the correct response. The funny thing is -- as soon as the category came up tonight, I was thinking "Hey, what if...?" And yep-- they did it! The guy who answered the L&C one went on to win the game. Go... uh, whatever your name is! You rock! He'll back in in a few weeks, after the kiddie tournament is over. I will continue to root for him then.

In other news, I've taken to reading fanfic again. I especially like the fics by M.L. Thompson. She comes up with some really interesting plots. Ideas I never would've thought of. And her writing keeps me engaged. I was reading one the other week, and it struck me that I can kind of tell -- well, educatedly GUESS, anyway -- when the author first got into L&C. Or maybe just which season is their favorite. Or I don't know. What I'm trying to say is that there's this feeling I get when reading certain fanfics that the author was either A or B:

A) Someone who watched the show from the beginning and watched the events play out in their natural course. These writers seem to tend to stick closer to the canon of the show. If they're writing a fic set in the first season, their Jimmy is the Michael Landes version. You'll see more of inspector Henderson, Cat, and/or Lucy.

B) Someone who came into it late, maybe 3rd season, and watched the earlier seasons at some point afterward, like in syndication or on DVD. With them, it's like the stuff that happened in seasons 1 or 2 can be changed on a whim; canon is sometimes glossed over or ignored entirely. Dr. Klein'll show up in season 1 and 2 fics. Some writers just LOVE Dr. Klein. He is known as Bernie.

Really, these aren't only two types of L&C fic writers out there. Some people are probably a mix. Or other things entirely. But I've seen these 2 types a lot. Of course, how am I to know when anyone became a fan? I can only guess. But I like to guess!

And clearly, I need a life.



That's really interesting to think about. For the record, I'm a seasons 1 and 2 fan only, I liked 3 and 4 well enough but they didn't have the same feel of 2 and especially 1. But different strokes for different folks I guess. And yes, I always thought Michael Landes' version of Jimmy was better, I felt like he had more of a grasp of the character than Whalin. I've read fics of the alternate universe from S3 where Jimmy was the bad guy, and I would believe it of Whalin's character but not Landes'. Does that make sense? lol.

Btw, do you remember what the question on Jeopardy was?


My Reply:

I know what you mean, the show did change from year to year. Season 2 is my favorite, followed by season 1. I can do marathons and watch both seasons 1 and 2 from beginning to end. But when I get into seasons 3 and 4 there are episodes I sometimes skip (or want to skip).

And now that I think about it, almost all the fanfics I ever wrote were set post-season 4 (except for one which was set in season 2). Hmm, I wonder what that says about me? (Maybe that I was desperately wishing for more seasons?? Yes.) :)

Hmmm somehow I can't see Justin-Jimmy as a bad guy... maybe a bumbling young thug... but not a supervillain or anything. That scene in "Top Copy" where he runs into a pillar in the DP newsroom while being flattered by Diana Stride comes to mind, lol. I can't see Michael-Jimmy as a bad guy, period! I don't really have a Jimmy preference. To me they're not really the same Jimmy. To me, they're just two copyboys who coincidentally had the same name and nobody at the DP thought that was odd!

As for Jeopardy, there's actually an online archive where they list all the questions for every episode, but alas, they haven't updated it for last night's show yet. I'll try to remember. The category was something like "Sunday night TV." And clue was, like: "In 1995, you could watch Mad About You, (another show I can't remember), or THIS show, which was subtitled "The New Adventures of Superman."

Ah, I miss Sunday nights of L&C.